
Training Services

Supplementary training for designated worker

We are pleased to announce that the“Evacuation Officer that we offer

is recognized b the Ministry of Labour and the ITM

as additional training for designated workers.

Training objectives:

Know the challenges of fire risk prevention

Know the associated regulatory framework

Identify the roles and responsibilities defined in the evacuation framework

Adopt reflex behaviours that allow you to:

Ensure the safe evacuation of people;

Preserve your institution’s assets and infrastructure;

Become a player in fire prevention within your establishment;

Meet legal requirements in terms of:

     -Mandatory training for anyone responsible for the evacuation;

     -Supplementary training for Designated Worker.


Part 1: 3:00 pm

1- Issues related to prevention and protection in the event of fire risk

2- The regulatory framework relating to evacuation, rescue and alarm

3- The general principles of fire prevention

4- The general principle of evacuation

5- The roles and responsibilities of the evacuation actors

6- Alarm or alert methods and safety of people

7- Evacuation plans

8- The specific evacuation procedure

9- Planning, organizing and managing the output data of an evacuation drill

Part 2: 1:00 pm

10-Visit of the premises to identify the means competing with fire prevention and evacuation of people

Duration: 4 hours

Training location: At Bertrange in Luxemburg

Sessions offered:

Evacuation officer


20/02 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Loaded Evacuation


13/03 from 1pm to 5pm

Evacuation officer


26/03 from 1pm to 5pm

Loaded Evacuation


16/04 from 1pm to 5pm

Evacuation officer


29/04 from 1pm to 5pm

Please contact us for any information or registration:

Tel: +352 20 60 11 27


New: THE ABC OF WORK by Marcus Mueller: PhD, Science based on People Engagement Strategies for Leaders

We invite you to click on the link bellow to learn more about What is CheckABC?

=> What is CheckABC?

Marcus Mueller is the founder of this revolutionary approach, to enhance people engagement with a documented potential of achieving over 150% return on your people investments. Look at this following video of presentation by Marcus Mueller of the ABC of work model:

Marcus Müller was born in Saarbrücken/Germany. He studied for his masters degrees in electrical engineering, business administration and Adlerian psychology in Germany, the UK and Australia and holds a PhD in social psychology. He spent more than 16 years in senior positions as an investment banker in London, New York, Frankfurt and Geneva. Since 2007, Marcus has been serving as an academic, researching and teaching in the field of organizational psychology. Marcus has taught courses in leadership, management psychology and social innovation. He has combined professional pedigree and groundbreaking science, including his own scientific research, to become an internationally recognized expert and speaker on professional as well as personal performance, health and well-being.

Marcus is the founder of the “ABC Vitamins” approach. It is based on over 50 years of scientific research and 50,000 research articles of social scientists around the world as well as 50,000 years of successful human evolution. He has revealed the ABC to international audiences as research scientist, business school professor, speaker and consultant. What makes the ABC model so powerful is its grounding in human nature proviing revolutionary answers to the question of “What motivates People?” The ABC model also formed the basis of his pioneering work in calculating an ROI on investing in people.

This formed the basis of his pioneering work in calculation of the ROI on investing in people. 

Marcus’ research has been widely published in academic journals, book chapters and magazine articles. His most recent co-authored book publication in August 2022 “Libérer la motivation” outlines the ABC model. Validated by science, the book shows how the same people who give organizations their hands and heads, would also give them their hearts and souls if only the organizations knew how to ask.

This book is available at:

Trainevo is honored to collaborate with Marcus to offer you the following seminar and workshops to work on the most profitable investment for your business, the human engagement:

This ABC of Work seminar will allow the participant to think and act differently with respect to people and how they feel at work. They will also have acquired validated tools to design, approve and implement effective, profitable investments in organizations with return well above 150%.

Language (s):


New: Seminar and workshops on the theme of societal change!

We offer you a unique course of initiation to societal change which:

  • Begins with the conference “Being, thinking and acting differently”,
  • Continues with the in-depth seminar “Understanding and hoping to act”
  • and takes the form of practical workshops according to your rhythm and your needs on the following 6 themes:
      • Global warming,
      • Technological dependency,
      • Responsible consumption,
      • Information / disinformation,
      • citizen power,
      • Responsible investment,

to allow you, your employees, or any citizen to:

  • Comprendre les enjeux environnementaux, sociaux, économiques, éthiques, et sociétaux, de notre monde,
  • Identifier les freins liés aux changements urgents,
  • Garder espoir en découvrant les possibilités existantes,
  • Agir concrètement pour faire une différence,
  • Mesurer la capacité d’action que nous avons entre les mains.

L’ensemble de ces interventions sera animé par Jean Provencher, auteur d’un coffret en 5 volumes sur la thématique du changement social, conférencier, ancien journaliste, et bien d’autres cordes à son arc.

Jean Provencher nous fait l’honneur d’intervenir sur les semaines du 14/11 et 21/11 prochains, ou il sera spécialement présent au Luxembourg, pour partager avec nous son expérience au Canada de plusieurs décennies.

Click on the pages below to find out more about the activity, work and commitment of Jean Provencher, our expert speaker in societal change:

We also invite you to follow the presentation video below:

For any information on the conference, the seminar, and the practical workshops that we offer on this theme, the Trainevo team is at your disposal.