
Training Services

Supplementary training for designated worker

We are pleased to announce that the“Evacuation Officer that we offer

is recognized b the Ministry of Labour and the ITM

as additional training for designated workers.

Training objectives:

Know the challenges of fire risk prevention

Know the associated regulatory framework

Identify the roles and responsibilities defined in the evacuation framework

Adopt reflex behaviours that allow you to:

Ensure the safe evacuation of people;

Preserve your institution’s assets and infrastructure;

Become a player in fire prevention within your establishment;

Meet legal requirements in terms of:

     -Mandatory training for anyone responsible for the evacuation;

     -Supplementary training for Designated Worker.


Part 1: 3:00 pm

1- Issues related to prevention and protection in the event of fire risk

2- The regulatory framework relating to evacuation, rescue and alarm

3- The general principles of fire prevention

4- The general principle of evacuation

5- The roles and responsibilities of the evacuation actors

6- Alarm or alert methods and safety of people

7- Evacuation plans

8- The specific evacuation procedure

9- Planning, organizing and managing the output data of an evacuation drill

Part 2: 1:00 pm

10-Visit of the premises to identify the means competing with fire prevention and evacuation of people

Duration: 4 hours

Training location: At Bertrange in Luxemburg

Sessions offered:

Evacuation officer


20/02 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Loaded Evacuation


13/03 from 1pm to 5pm

Evacuation officer


26/03 from 1pm to 5pm

Loaded Evacuation


16/04 from 1pm to 5pm

Evacuation officer


29/04 from 1pm to 5pm

Please contact us for any information or registration:

Tel: +352 20 60 11 27
