
Training Services

Well-being at work

Reference: Trainevo-022022-RH- 04

1 day

This training allows to establish a culture of well-being at work in order to better fight against psychosocial risks (PSR) and improve the company’s performance.

Carry out an inventory of the level of well-being of your employees in the company and teleworking.

Identify and assess risk situations.

Implement an action plan to improve the level of employees well-being at work .

1-Issues related to work well-being

2-The regulatory framework

3-Some key figures

4-What are PSRs & preconceived ideas

5-What are the risk factors

6-What are the consequences for employees

7-What are the consequences for the company

8-Deployment of a methodology for managing well-being at work

8.1-State of play in the company

8.2-Identification and assessment of risk situations

8.3-Implementation of a plan to improve the level of work well-being

8.4-Evaluate and periodically improve performance relating to the management of work well-being

The participatory presentation, integrating a methodology and implementation tools, facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Managers, HR, Designated Worker, Assistant or QSE/HSE/OHS Manager, employee representatives

Submission of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

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