
Training Services

Evacuation officer

Evacuation training in the event of a fire is a regulatory obligation laid down by the Labour Code. It allows to train to the implementation of evacuation in the event of fire in good safety conditions.

The Participant will be able to implement the fire evacuation instructions of his company.

He will know the principles and methods of evacuation to be implemented in good conditions of safety.

1-The regulatory framework
2-Role and responsibilities of Guides, Queues and Evacuation Coordinator
3-Modality of alarm, alert and safety of people
4-Evacuation plans
5-General principle of evacuation
6-Evacuation instructions specific to the establishment
7-Arrangements to be made during an evacuation
8-Modalities of organization of an evacuation exercise

The participatory presentation and the practical exercise facilitate the acquisition of the evacuation instructions in place.

Personnel designated by the employer to assume responsibilities for fire evacuation (guide and queues, safety and assembly point managers)

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


170 € Tax free / Participant

Organization of fire evacuation

This training allows to take the technical, organizational and operational measures necessary for the organization of fire evacuation.

Put in place the technical, operational and organizational instructions necessary for the management of fire evacuation.

Define roles and responsibilities in the evacuation.

Ensure the availability and proper functioning of technical means of detection and intervention in the event of an evacuation.

Ensure the information and training of the personnel concerned.

Organize periodic simulation exercises to verify the effectiveness of the organization defined.

1-The challenges of a fire prevention approach

2-Preconceived ideas about the risk of fire in the workplace

3-The regulatory framework

4-Fire risk management

4.1-Prevention mission

4.2-The intervention mission


4.4-Outsourcing of the mission relating to fire safety

4.5-Evacuation drills

4.6-Monitoring and continuous improvement of fire risk management

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Managers, HR, Designated Worker, Assistant or QSE/HSE/OHS Manager, staff representatives

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

Management of health and safety risks of home care activity

This training allows to set up a systemic approach to the prevention of risks related to health and safety at work in home help activity.

Know the issues related to the prevention of OHS in the home help activity.

Appropriate the principles of OHS management in accordance with the ISO 45001 standards.

Implement a systemic approach to OHS risk management.

Appropriate OHS management tools.

1-Issues of risks prevention in home help activity
2-The regulatory framework
2-The ISO 45001 standards related to occupational health and safety management (OHS)
3-Deployment of an OHS management system
3.1- Principle of continuous improvement
3.2- Organisational context
3.3- Leadership & Policy
3.4- Planning
3.5- Support activities
3.6- Implementation of operational control actions
3.7- Performance evaluation
3.8- Continuous improvement

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Managers, HR, Designated Worker, QSE/HSE/SST Assistant or Manager, staff representative.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

Health & Safety risks awereness for home help workers

This training courses raises awareness of the health and safety risks prevention among workers in the home help activity.

Know the challenges of risk prevention in the home help activity.

Know how to identify the risks related to the health & safety of its home help activity.

Be able to implement preventive actions to control the identified risks.

Take part in the continuous improvement of working conditions.

1-The challenges of preventing OHS risks in the home help activity

2-The legal framework

3-Identify the risks associated with the home help activity

4-The means of prevention to control the risks identified in the home help activity

5-Monitoring performance in terms of health & safety of the company

6-Continuous improvement in the prevention of health and safety risks

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

All the employees of the home help activity.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Occupational health & safety risks management in nurseries or other childcare structures

This training allows to set up a systemic approach to health and safety risks prevention in the activity of nurseries or other childcare sructures.

Know the issues related to the prevention of OHS in the activity of nurseries or other reception structures.

Appropriate the principles of OHS management in accordance with the ISO 45001 standards.

Implement a systemic approach to OHS risk management.

Appropriate OHS management tools.

1-The challenges of preventing OHS risks in nurseries and other childcare facilities

2-The regulatory framework

2-The ISO 45001 standard related to OHS risk management

3-Deployment of an OHS management system:

3.1 Principle of continuous improvement

3.2 Context of the organization

3.3 Leadership & Politics

3.4 Planning

3.5 Support activities

3.6 Implementation of operational control actions

3.7 Performance evaluation

3.8 Continuous improvement

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Managers, Managers, Designated Worker, HR, QSE/HSE/OHS Manager, Staff Representatives.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

Awareness of Health & Safety risks prevention for nurseries or other childcare structures staff

This training allows to raise the awareness of the staff of nurseries or other childcare facilities to health and safety risks prevention.

Know the challenges of preventing risks related to the health & safety of workers (OHS) in nurseries or other childcare structures.

Know how to identify the risks related to the OHS of the nurseries or other childcare structures.

Be able to implement preventive actions in order to control the identified risks.

Take part in the continuous improvement of working conditions.

1-The challenges of preventing OHS risks in nurseries and other childcare facilities

2-The regulatory framework

3- Health & safety risks nurseries or other childcare structures

4-Actions to be implemented to prevent the risks to which personnel are exposed

5-Monitoring performance in terms of health & safety

6-Continuous improvement in the prevention of health and safety risks

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

All employees of the crèche activity and other childcare facilities.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Occupational health & safety risks prevention in the HoResca

This training allows to prevent risks related to health and safety in the HoResca activities.

Know the challenges of preventing risks related to the occupational health & safety in the HoResca.

Know how to identify the risks related to OHS in the HoResca activities.

Be able to implement actions to prevent identified OHS risks.

Take part in the continuous improvement of working conditions.

1-Worker health and safety (OHS) issues in the HoResca

2-The regulatory framework relating to the prevention of occupational risks

3-The OHS risks identified in the HoResca activity

4-Preventive actions to be implemented to control the identified risks

5-Monitoring the performance in terms of health & safety of the company

6-Continuous improvement of risk prevention

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

All the employees of the HoResca activity.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Management of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

This training makes it possible to set up a structured approach to managing personal protective equipement (PPE) in order to ensure the provision of suitable PPE, their availability, and their proper use to prevent the risk that they are supposed to control.

Know the issues related to the control of PPE.

Identify the need for PPE, research, test and reference or dereference PPE.

Validate the PPE with the various stakeholders.

Train users.

Supply, have the necessary stock, and make PPE available.

Ensure the verification & control of PPE, and the management of their end of life in accordance with supplier specifications.

Ensure the traceability of regulated PPE.

Track the performance of your activity’s PPE management.

1-Issues related to PPE

2-What is PPE?

3-The regulatory framework related to PPE

4-The meaning of the conformity marking

5-Assessment of risks related to PPE

6-Control of PPE management

6.1-Identify the need of PPE

6.2-Referencing a new PPE

6.3-Train users

6.4-Traceability of PPE subject to periodic regulatory control or verification

6.5-Check & control PPE

6.6-Supply, store, make PPE available

7-Evaluate the performance of PPE management & Continuous improvement

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Managers, HR, Purchasing / Service Manager, Designated Worker, QSE/HSE/SST Manager

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Risks Prevention of formation of an explosive atmosphere (ATEX)

This training enables staff working in ATEX classified areas to be made aware of the risk of forming an explosive atmosphere (ATEX), and also to discuss the technical means, operational and organizational practices in place to prevent this risk.

Understand the formation mechanisms of an ATEX zone, the causes and the consequences.

Know the classification of ATEX zones and the associated means of control.

Allow operational personnel working in ATEX classified zones to take the technical, operational and organizational prevention measures inherent to the type of zone.

1-Prevention issues related to the formation of an ATEX zone

2-The regulatory context

3-The mechanisms of the explosion

4-Protection and prevention of the risks of formation of an explosive atmosphere

5-Selection of ATEX equipment

6-Mastery of the management of technical, operational or organizational changes that take place in an ATEX zone


The participatory presentation methodology integrating examples, practical cases, and implementation tools, facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Managers, HR, Designated Worker, QSE/HSE/SST Manager, operational workers in the ATEX zone.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400€ Tax free / Participant

Office hazard prevention

This training provides awareness of the prevention of risks related to office activities.

Any public with an office job.

Prerequisites: None

Understand health and safety issues in office work.

Identify, analyse and omit the risks regarding the office work and the associated preventive actions.

Evaluate and arrange your workstation to limit the risks associated with office work.

1. Issues related to office work

2. The regulatory framework

3. The risks regarding w the office work and the associated preventive actions

  •  MSD risks
  • Visual risks
  • Noise risks
  • Risks related to the thermal environment

4. Practical study of work situations

  • Risk identification
  • Risk evaluation and analysis
  • Proposal for improvement actions

Alternation of theoretical contributions, practical exercises and scenario.

Individual and sub-group work.


The trainer evaluates the participant’s pedagogical progress throughout the training in the field of scenarios and practical work.

Submission of a certificate of attendance.


Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400€ Tax free / Participant

First intervention team member

Evacuation training in the event of a fire is a regulatory obligation laid down by the Labour Code. It allows to train to the implementation of evacuation in the event of fire in good safety conditions.

The Participant will be able to implement the fire evacuation instructions of his company.

He will know the principles and methods of evacuation to be implemented in good conditions of safety.

Partie théorique (2h30) :

Theoretical part (2h30):

1- The regulatory framework

2- Daily prevention

3- Alert / Alarm

4- Specific instructions for your site

5- The elements of the fire triangle

6- Fire classes (A, B, C, D and F)

7- Extinguishing agents

8- Other emergency means (R.I.A, fixed extinguishing)

9- The causes and consequences of a fire

Practical part (1h30):

10- Operation of the different types of extinguishers

11- Practice on real fire in a mobile cell


This training includes an interactive theoretical part in the form of questions/answers (2h30) and a practical part during which each participant will be able to handle different types of extinguishers to fight various types of fire (1h30).


All staff members.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


130 € Tax free / Participant

Telework management for company decision-makers

This training allows business decision-makers to assess the risks and opportunities of teleworking in order to put in place the necessary preventive actions and ensure respect for the balance between professional and personal life as well as the performance of the company.

Understand the issues related to teleworking.

Identify and assess the risks and opportunities related to the implementation of teleworking.

Put in place the necessary preventive actions in order to control the risks & and enhance the opportunities.

Ensure respect for work-life balance.

  1. Issues related to the implementation of telework
  2. The regulatory framework relating to telework
  3. The basic knowledge necessary for teleworking
  4. The risks and opportunities associated with teleworking
  5. Actions to be taken to prevent risks and seize opportunities
  6. Reconcile personal life and professional life for better performance
  7. Evaluation of performance related to telework and continuous improvement

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Managers, HR, Heads of Department, Designated Workers, HSE/QSE/SST Manager

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Telework management for all employees

This training allows to raise awareness among all company employees of the risks prevention and opportunities related to teleworking.

Acquire basic knowledge on telework.

Identify and prevent the risks and opportunities associated with teleworking.

Better balance work and private life.

1-The basic knowledge needed on telework

2-The legal framework relating to telework

3-The risks and opportunities associated with teleworking

4-Preventive actions to control risks & opportunities

5-Sharing experience & best practices

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

All collaborators.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Absenteeism prevention at work

This training allows to deploy a methodology for preventing absenteeism at work which can significantly impact the performance of the company.

Establish a method of preventing absenteeism.

Reduce the level of absenteeism in order to return to a financial and social balance essential to the functioning of your activity.

Improve working relationships with employees.

1-Establish a diagnosis of absenteeism

2-Deploy a method to prevent absenteeism

3-Establish an action plan to prevent and control absenteeism

4-Audit and evaluate the performance of the absenteeism prevention plan

5-Correct and continually improve the absenteeism prevention plan


The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Managers, HR, Designated Worker, Assistant or QSE/HSE/OHS Manager, staff representatives

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

Psychosocial risks prevention (PSR)

This training allows to identify, analyze, and evaluate the main factors of PSR, to know their impact on health, and to deploy a sustainable preventive approach within the company.

Head s of companies, Department managers, HR, Operational team leaders, Employees representative (IRP).

Prerequisites: None

Understand the concept of PSR and the associated issues.

Identify PSR factors to act preventively.

Know how to act in front of a suffering person.

Know the actors of prevention in this field to better guide the person in difficulty.

Deploy an approach to the evaluation and prevention of PSR.

Implement an action plan to prevent PSR.


1. PSR issues within the company

2. The regulatory framework

3. Types of PSR and symptoms

4. Identify the main factors of PSR at work (stress, burn out, brown out and bore out)

5. Ability to react to a situation of suffering

6. Internal and external prevention actors competent in the face of PSR

7. Diagnosis of PSR in the company

Practical work:

  • Identify PSR situations at work
  • Identify and analyze the indicators in place
  • Analysis and evaluation of PSR
  • Identify areas for improvement

This work is done first individually, then collectively.

8. Conduct a PSR prevention approach in companies

8.1- Design and management

  • Set up a steering committee involving staff representatives
  • Raise awareness of the PSR prevention approach
  • Identify internal and external issues related to PSR prevention
  • Identify the risks and opportunities associated with these issues
  • Identify the actors, roles, and responsibilities in the PSR prevention approach
  • Leadership and management commitment to PSR prevention
  • Identify roles and responsibilities to implement this approach
  • Provide the necessary resources and means
  • Define the PSR policy and associated objectives

8.2- Diagnosis and planning

  • Carry out an initial inventory of the situation / PSR using various tools
  • Identify and formalize areas for improvement
  • Plan actions to achieve objectives and prevent risks and opportunities related to PSR

8.3- Deploy and sustain the PSR prevention approach

  • Implement planned PSR prevention actions
  • Integrate PSR prevention into business processes
  • Define indicators to monitor the performance of the approach
  • Communicate on the performance of the approach to employees and relevant stakeholders
  • Periodically evaluate the performance of the PSR prevention approach
  • Continuous improvement of the PSR prevention approach
  • Update the company’s occupational risk analysis

Alternation of theoretical contributions, practical exercises, and scenario.

Individual and sub-group work.

The trainer evaluates the participant’s pedagogical progress throughout the training in thefield of scenarios and practical work.

The participant also completes a progress test upstreamand downstream to validate the skills acquired.

Submission of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


800 € Tax free / Participant

Quality of Life and Working Conditions (QLWC) in Health Organizations

Well-being and working conditions are considered essential for many employees, and contribute to:

  • Significantly reduce unhappiness at work and absenteeism,
  • And to strengthen the motivation of staff.

This training allows to understand the specificities related to the quality of life and  working conditions within health organizations to face the major challenges of exhaustion of current staff and loss of attractiveness for this sector in a context of overactivity accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Executives, Middle managers, Human resources managers

Prerequisites: none

Identify and understand the challenges of in healthcare organizations and the associated regulatory framework.

Develop a participatory approach to continuous improvement of the QLWC.

  1. The challenges and principles of QLWC approach
    • History of the concept of QLWV: from the QLW to the QLWC
    • Definition of QLWC
    • Difference between improvement of the QLWC and prevention of psychosocial risks

2. Specificities of QLW for healthcare professionals

    • QLWC and challenges of attractiveness and loyalty of professionals
    • QLWC and quality of care

3. Conduct a QLWC approach in a health organization

    • Design and management
    • Diagnosis of QLWC
    • Implementing QLWC actions
    • Success factors of QLWC
    • Evaluating a QLWC approach

Alternation of theoretical contributions, practical exercises, and scenario.

Individual and sub-group work.

Submission of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


Quotation on request

Developing the Quality Work Life (QWL)

This training allows to respond to a growing societal need for quality work life of employees, to understand the associated issues and, to set up a continuous improvement approach by identifying the obstacles and levers of action to improve employee’s satisfaction and commitment, and consequently the company’s performance.

HRD, IRP, managers, management staff.

Prerequisites: None

Know the challenges of the company’s QWL and the associated regulatory framework.

Identify the obstacles and actions to improve QWL.

Identify the role of QWL actors to better involve them in the process.

Develop a participatory approach to continuous improvement of QWL.

1. The challenges and principles of a QWL approach

  • Historic QWL notion
  • Difference between improving QWL and preventing psychosocial risks
  • The regulatory framework
  • The principles of QWL
  • Identify QWL success factors
  • How to set up a QWL approach?

2. Practical work

  • Carry out an inventory of the actions, already in place, in connection with QWL in the company
  • Collection of expectations expressed by employees
  • Identify and analyse the measurement indicators already in place in relation to QWL
  • Identify areas for improvement

This renovation is done first individually, then collectively.

3. Conduct a QWL approach in the company

3.1 Design and management

  • Set up a steering committee involving staff representatives
  • Raise awareness of the QWL approach
  • Identify internal and external issues related to QWL
  • Identify the risks and opportunities associated with these issues
  • Identify actors, roles, and responsibilities in the QWL approach
  • Leadership and management commitment in the QWL approach
  • Identify roles and responsibilities to implement this approach
  • Provide the necessary resources and means
  • Define the QWL policy and objectives for QWL and performance, health and safety and work organization

3.2 Diagnosis and choice of areas for improvement

  • Carry out an initial inventory of QWL using various tools
  • Identify and formalize areas for provement and set action plan to achieve the QVT objectives and, to prevent relevant QVT risks and opportunities

3.3 Deploy and sustain the QWL approach

  • Implement palled QWL actions
  • Integrate QWL into business processes
  • Define QWL performance monitoring indicators
  • Communicate QWL performance to relevant employees and stakeholders
  • Periodically evaluate and report on QWL performance
  • Continuous improvement of the QWL approach


Alternation of theoretical contributions, practical exercises, and scenario.

Individual and sub-group work.

The trainer evaluates the participant’s pedagogical progress throughout the training in thefield of scenarios and practical work.

The participant also completes a progress test upstreamand downstream to validate the skills acquired.

Submission of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


1000 € Tax free / Participant

Well-being at work

This training allows to establish a culture of well-being at work in order to better fight against psychosocial risks (PSR) and improve the company’s performance.

Carry out an inventory of the level of well-being of your employees in the company and teleworking.

Identify and assess risk situations.

Implement an action plan to improve the level of employees well-being at work .

1-Issues related to work well-being

2-The regulatory framework

3-Some key figures

4-What are PSRs & preconceived ideas

5-What are the risk factors

6-What are the consequences for employees

7-What are the consequences for the company

8-Deployment of a methodology for managing well-being at work

8.1-State of play in the company

8.2-Identification and assessment of risk situations

8.3-Implementation of a plan to improve the level of work well-being

8.4-Evaluate and periodically improve performance relating to the management of work well-being

The participatory presentation, integrating a methodology and implementation tools, facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Managers, HR, Designated Worker, Assistant or QSE/HSE/OHS Manager, employee representatives

Submission of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

Seminar: Undestand and hope to act

We are facing an unprecedented period in our history. Never before has our society been subjected to such pressure: pandemia, climatic warming, castrophes n aturelles n aturelles plus frequent, pollutions, social and distribution inequalities, problems of governance, technological dependance, economic dynamism and difficulty in projecting oneself into the future.  Urgency is omnipresent. Worry, anxiety, and discouragement win us all.  That is why it has become essential to question our choices, our decisions, our habits and our ways of life.

Is there still hope for our future? Can we make a difference? Do we have real power in our hands?   The answer is “YES” to all these questions. In fact, “to be able to act you have to understand and to want to act you have to hope”.

This seminar will offer each participant a unique and stimulating opportunity to participate in the transformation of our society.  The participant will be able to appreciate the importance and feasibility of social and citizen responsibility.  In addition to the in-depth knowledge of the world he has acquired, he will be able to act at his level and will also derive interesting benefits regarding his quality of life and the reduction of his anxiety.

As a recognized agent of social change, Canadian facilitator Jean Provencher will bring his decades-long expertise and social commitment to participants.


Activity accessible to all audiences.

Prerequisite: it is highly recommended to have previously attended the conference “To be, to think and to act differently”.

Understand the major factors that have contributed to building society as we know it, in order to learn from it for the future.

To know the major problems that paralyze our evolution thanks to an overview that gives the right time, without catastrophic speech or magical thinking.

Identify the individual and collective obstacles that limit the implementation of social changes such as our state of mind, the limited commitment of decision-makers and thepower of lobbies.  

To highlight the people, organizations, initiatives, and movements that bring hope that, far from reflectors, are transforming our society on all continents. 

Discover how to make a concrete difference through our attitudes, behaviors, habits, gestures, priorities and actions at all levels.

This seminar is part of an educational path for social change, which offers  activities (e.g. workshops) to go deeper into certain themes.

Day 1  – Our current world: transition from the past to the future

  • Arrival of humans on earth and major stages of their evolution
  • Breaking points that shaped the modern era and its development
  • Nature and impacts of major social, environmental, and economic issues
  • Levels of individual and collective responsibility as things stand

Day 2 – Hopeful solutions: ingredients of a different society

  • Tangible evidence that our society is doing better
  • People, initiatives and movements that are changing our society
  • Our roles in the transformation of society
  • Simple approach to being, thinking and acting differently
  • Daily solutions to fight against major challenges

This seminar includes various forms of learning: visual presentation, multimedia tools, pedagogical content delivered by the trainer-facilitator, individual practical exercises, small group exchanges, plenary.

Certificate of participation in the seminar.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


800 € tax free / Participant

Practical workshop: Global warming

Induced by man, global warming concerns all living beings on our planet: humans, plants, animals, microorganisms, … The increasingly dramatic consequences spare no one.   On the one hand, the catastrophic discourse claims that all is lost. On the other hand, magical thinking relies on the technological goddess.

But as a citizen, leader or organization, do we manage to establish our share of responsibility in this state of affairs?  Do we have an idea of the existing possible solutions?  However, they are numerous and accessible to all.  This workshop provides an opportunity to take stock of the solutions that are part of our attitudes, behaviours and actions on a daily basis. To fight against global warming, only two obligations: boldness and willingness to act.

As a recognized agent of social change, Canadian facilitator Jean Provencher will bring his decades-long expertise and social commitment to participants.

Activity accessibleto all audiences: individuals, schools, companies, organizations.

Understand the sources and impacts of global warming.

Become aware of the individual and collective responsibility of each person in the fight against global warming.

Identify possible solutions that can be implemented daily in order to fight against global warming.

Thisworkshop is part of an educational path for social change, which offers  activities (e.g. seminar) to go  deeper into certain themes.

Three formulas proposed for a total day of 8 hours

  • One 8-hour theme of your choice ► Full day
  • Two 4 hours theme of your choice ► 1 in AM + 1 in PM
  • Four 2-hour theme of your choice ► 2 in AM + 2 in PM

Themes offered (according to the applicable time blocks)


8 h

4 h 

2 h


Global warming




·    Measuring the magnitude and impacts of warming

·    Learning to fight global warming every day

Power of the citizen




·    Becoming aware of the powerful power in our hands

·    Concretely exercise this power in our lives

Responsible consumption




·    Realizing how consumption governs everything

·    Adopting healthy and sustainable consumption patterns

Technological dependence




·    Questioning the place of technology in our lives

·    Reduce the techno footprint in order to limit its impacts

Information and disinformation



·    Understanding the influence of information warfare

·    Guarding against disinformation and propaganda

Responsible Investment



·    Discover the benefits of investing responsibly

·    Identify truly responsible investments

General approach of the workshop

(* the sequence and duration of the elements below will vary depending on the formula chosen)

 1.Context of the theme


       3.Individual exercise(s)

       4.Exchange(s) in group or subgroup(s)

       5.Information Shared


Prerequisite: Participants are strongly advised to have attended the conference “Being, thinking and acting differently” beforehand.

The workshop includes various forms of learning and practice depending on the chosen formula: visual presentation, multimedia tools, pedagogical content delivered by the facilitator, individual practical exercises, exchanges in small groups, plenary.

Certificate of participation in the workshop.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


250€ tax free / Participant

Practical workshop: Technological dependance (4h)

Technology has transformed our society and propelled it to unexpected heights. Think of medicine, the Internet, computers, and cell phones. It demonstrates human genius. It has allowed the most remote populations to connect with the rest of the world. It now occupies a central place. But now they are experts around the world warning us of this very real threat  : security, physical and psychological health, personal identity, overconsumption, environmental disaster, etc.

Technology has become much more than just a tool at the service of humans. This workshop offers us a useful and desirable reflection on the place of technology in oursociety. It leads us to measure its impact in our daily lives and to measure its use.

As a recognized agent of social change, Canadian facilitator Jean Provencher will bring his decades-long expertise and social commitment to participants.

Activity accessible to all audiences: individuals, schools, companies, organizations

Understand the insidious factors that lead to a dependence on technologies, fueled by the dream they constantly let us believe.

Be aware of the harmful impacts that are caused by the manufacture, acquisition, excessive use and abandonment of technological equipment and materials.

Define the actions, attitudes, behaviors, and actions that can be implemented daily to avoid technology-related harms.

Thisworkshop is part of an educational path for social change, which offers activities (e.g., a conference and a seminar) to go deeper into certain themes.

Three formulas proposed for a total day of 8 hours

  • One 8-hour theme of your choice ► Full day
  • Two themes of 4 hours to choose from ► 1 in AM + 1 in PM
  • Four themes of 2 hoursto choose from ► 2 in AM + 2 in PM

Themes offered (according to the applicable time blocks)


8 h

4 h

 2 h


Global warming




·Measuring the magnitude and impacts of warming

·Learning to fight global warming every day

Power of the citizen




·Becoming aware ofthe powerful power in our hands

·Exercising this power in practice

Responsible consumption




·Realizing how consumption governs everything

·Adopt healthy and sustainable consumption patterns

Technological dependence




·Questioning the place of technology in our society

·Dominating the techno footprint to limit its impacts

Information and disinformation




·Understanding the influence of information warfare

·Guarding against disinformation and propaganda

Responsible Investment



·Discover the benefits of investing responsibly

·Identify truly responsible investments

General approach of the workshop
(* the sequence and duration of the elements below will vary according to the chosen formula)

1.Context of the theme


3.Individual exercise(s)

4.Exchange(s) in group or subgroup(s)

5.Information Shared


Prerequisite: Participants are strongly advised to have attended the conference “Being, thinking and acting differently” beforehand.

The workshop includes various forms of learning and practice depending on the chosen formula: visual presentation, multimedia tools, pedagogical content delivered by the facilitator, individual practical exercises, exchanges in small groups, plenary.

Certificate of participation in the workshop.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


250 € tax free / Participant

Practical workshop: Technological dependance (2h)

Technology has transformed our society and propelled it to unexpected heights. Think of medicine, the Internet, computers, and cell phones. It demonstrates human genius. It has allowed the most remote populations to connect with the rest of the world. It now occupies a central place. But now they are experts around the world warning us of this very real threat  : security, physical and psychological health, personal identity, overconsumption, environmental disaster, etc.

Technology has become much more than just a tool at the service of humans. This workshop offers us a useful and desirable reflection on the place of technology in oursociety. It leads us to measure its impact in our daily lives and to measure its use.

As a recognized agent of social change, Canadian facilitator Jean Provencher will bring his decades-long expertise and social commitment to participants.

Activity accessible to all audiences: individuals, schools, companies, organizations

Understand the insidious factors that lead to a dependence on technologies, fueled by the dream they constantly let us believe.

Be aware of the harmful impacts that are caused by the manufacture, acquisition, excessive use and abandonment of technological equipment and materials.

Define the actions, attitudes, behaviors, and actions that can be implemented daily to avoid technology-related harms.

Thisworkshop is part of an educational path for social change, which offers activities (e.g., a conference and a seminar) to go deeper into certain themes.

Three formulas proposed for a total day of 8 hours

  • One 8-hour theme of your choice ► Full day
  • Two themes of 4 hours to choose from ► 1 in AM + 1 in PM
  • Four themes of 2 hoursto choose from ► 2 in AM + 2 in PM

Themes offered (according to the applicable time blocks)






Global warming




·Measuring the magnitude and impacts of warming

·Learning to fight global warming every day

Power of the citizen




·Becoming aware ofthe powerful power in our hands

·Exercising this power in practice

Responsible consumption




·Realizing how consumption governs everything

·Adopt healthy and sustainable consumption patterns

Technological dependence




·Questioning the place of technology in our society

·Dominating the techno footprint to limit its impacts

Information and disinformation




·Understanding the influence of information warfare

·Guarding against disinformation and propaganda

Responsible Investment



·Discover the benefits of investing responsibly

·Identify truly responsible investments

General approach of the workshop
(* the sequence and duration of the elements below will vary according to the chosen formula)

1.Context of the theme


3.Individual exercise(s)

4.Exchange(s) in group or subgroup(s)

5.Information Shared


Prerequisite: Participants are strongly advised to have attended the conference “Being, thinking and acting differently” beforehand.

The workshop includes various forms of learning and practice depending on the chosen formula: visual presentation, multimedia tools, pedagogical content delivered by the facilitator, individual practical exercises, exchanges in small groups, plenary.

Certificate of participation in the workshop.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


150 € tax free / Participant

Practical workshop: Responsible consumption (1 jour)

The observation is without appeal. No matter what issues challenge us, there is only one origin: our unbridled consumption. The famous “always more” and “never enough”. If every human consumed like a Canadian, a Luxembourger or an American, we would need 5 planets to satisfy his needs.

But precisely, how to define a need? Depending on whether one lives in a rich and developed country or a developing country, this definition differs. How to become aware of this unbridled over consumption? This workshop offers us an important and non-guilt-inducing reflection on our role as an economic actor or citizen.  It helps us take stock of gestures, behaviors and actions that can easily fit into our daily lives.

As a recognized agent of social change, Canadian facilitator Jean Provencher will bring his decades-long expertise and social commitment to participants.

Activity accessible to all audiences: individuals, schools, companies, organizations

Raise awareness of the major, very real, and destructive impacts of our endless consumption patterns.

Understand the process of creating and responding to a need to be able to intervenein one or the other of the stages and thus reduce the resulting consumption.

Identify the various forms of consumption present in everyday life and the solutions that make it possible to take control of them, on the way to responsible consumption.

Thisworkshop is part of an educational path for social change, which offers activities (e.g., conference and seminar) to go deeper into certain themes.

Three formulas proposed for a total day of 8 hours

  • One 8-hour theme of your choice ► Full day
  • Two themes of 4 hours to choose from ► 1 in AM + 1 in PM
  • Four 2-hour theme of your choice ► 2 in AM + 2 in PM

Themes offered (according to the applicable time blocks)






Global warming




·Measuring the magnitude and impacts of warming

·Learning to fight global warming every day

Power of the citizen




·Becoming aware ofthe powerful power in our hands

·Exercising this power in practice

Responsible consumption




·Realizing how consumption governs everything

·Adopt healthy and sustainable consumption patterns

Technological dependence




·Questioning the place of technology in our society

·Dominating the techno footprint to limit its impacts

Information and disinformation




·Understanding the influence of information warfare

·Guarding against disinformation and propaganda

Responsible Investment



·Discover the benefits of investing responsibly

·Identify truly responsible investments

General approach of the workshop
(* the sequence and duration of the elements below will vary according to the chosen formula)

1.Context of the theme


3.Individual exercise(s)

4.Exchange(s) in group or subgroup(s)

5.Information Shared


Prerequisite: Participants are strongly advised to have attended the conference “Being, thinking and acting differently” beforehand.

The workshop includes various forms of learning and practice depending on the chosen formula: visual presentation, multimedia tools, pedagogical content delivered by the facilitator, individual practical exercises, exchanges in small groups, plenary.

Certificate of participation in the workshop.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


450€ tax free / Participant

Practical workshop: Responsible consumption (2h)

The observation is without appeal. No matter what issues challenge us, there is only one origin: our unbridled consumption. The famous “always more” and “never enough”. If every human consumed like a Canadian, a Luxembourger or an American, we would need 5 planets to satisfy his needs.

But precisely, how to define a need? Depending on whether one lives in a rich and developed country or a developing country, this definition differs. How to become aware of this unbridled over consumption? This workshop offers us an important and non-guilt-inducing reflection on our role as an economic actor or citizen.  It helps us take stock of gestures, behaviors and actions that can easily fit into our daily lives.

As a recognized agent of social change, Canadian facilitator Jean Provencher will bring his decades-long expertise and social commitment to participants.

Activity accessible to all audiences: individuals, schools, companies, organizations

Raise awareness of the major, very real, and destructive impacts of our endless consumption patterns.

Understand the process of creating and responding to a need to be able to intervenein one or the other of the stages and thus reduce the resulting consumption.

Identify the various forms of consumption present in everyday life and the solutions that make it possible to take control of them, on the way to responsible consumption.

Thisworkshop is part of an educational path for social change, which offers activities (e.g., conference and seminar) to go deeper into certain themes.

Three formulas proposed for a total day of 8 hours

  • One 8-hour theme of your choice ► Full day
  • Two themes of 4 hours to choose from ► 1 in AM + 1 in PM
  • Four 2-hour theme of your choice ► 2 in AM + 2 in PM

Themes offered (according to the applicable time blocks)






Global warming




·Measuring the magnitude and impacts of warming

·Learning to fight global warming every day

Power of the citizen




·Becoming aware ofthe powerful power in our hands

·Exercising this power in practice

Responsible consumption




·Realizing how consumption governs everything

·Adopt healthy and sustainable consumption patterns

Technological dependence




·Questioning the place of technology in our society

·Dominating the techno footprint to limit its impacts

Information and disinformation




·Understanding the influence of information warfare

·Guarding against disinformation and propaganda

Responsible Investment



·Discover the benefits of investing responsibly

·Identify truly responsible investments

General approach of the workshop
(* the sequence and duration of the elements below will vary according to the chosen formula)

1.Context of the theme


3.Individual exercise(s)

4.Exchange(s) in group or subgroup(s)

5.Information Shared


Prerequisite: Participants are strongly advised to have attended the conference “Being, thinking and acting differently” beforehand.

The workshop includes various forms of learning and practice depending on the chosen formula: visual presentation, multimedia tools, pedagogical content delivered by the facilitator, individual practical exercises, exchanges in small groups, plenary.

Certificate of participation in the workshop.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


150€ tax free / Participant

Practical workshop: Responsible investment

Would you agree to financially support a company whose income is hidden in tax paradis, tax-sheltered? Or who would hire young children to limit their spending? Or whose toxic spills would kill all life around? Yet this is what happens in a large proportion ofinvestments, often without the knowledge of their owners. In rapid growth, responsible investment has become one of the great civic causes in our society.  

Defending people and the planet while enjoying a strong portfolio is now a reality. This workshop, taught by a facilitator who is not specialized in finance but strongly socially engaged, will awaken you to the real impacts of your portfolio: encouraging good organizations and abandoning bad ones.

 As a recognized agent of social change, Canadian facilitator Jean Provencher will bring his decades-long expertise and social commitment to participants.


Activity accessible to all audiences: individuals, schools, companies, organizations

Present a comprehensive portrait of the composition of a financial portfolio that is aimed at regular investors as well as novices or those curious about finance.

Know the history of responsible investing to measure its depth and growing importance in the current transformation of our society.

Identify avenues for reflection to determine whether an investment is responsibleor not, with a view to adopting a decision-making strategy that favors responsible investments.

Thisworkshop is part of an educational path for social change, which offers activities (e.g., conference and seminar) to go deeper into certain themes.

Three formulas proposed for a total day of 8 hours

  • One 8-hour theme of your choice ► Full day
  • Two themes of 4 hours to choose from ► 1 in AM + 1 in PM
  • Four 2-hour theme of your choice ► 2 in AM + 2 in PM

Themes offered (according to the applicable time blocks)


8 h

4 h

 2 h


Global warming




·Measuring the magnitude and impacts of warming

·Learning to fight global warming every day

Power of the citizen




·Becoming aware ofthe powerful power in our hands

·Exercising this power in practice

Responsible consumption




·Realizing how consumption governs everything

·Adopt healthy and sustainable consumption patterns

Technological dependence




·Questioning the place of technology in our society

·Dominating the techno footprint to limit its impacts

Information and disinformation




·Understanding the influence of information warfare

·Guarding against disinformation and propaganda

Responsible Investment



·Discover the benefits of investing responsibly

·Identify truly responsible investments

General approach of the workshop
(* the sequence and duration of the elements below will vary according to the chosen formula)

1.Context of the theme


3.Individual exercise(s)

4.Exchange(s) in group or subgroup(s)

5.Information Shared


Prerequisite: Participants are strongly advised to have attended the conference “Being, thinking and acting differently” beforehand.

The workshop includes various forms of learning and practice depending on the chosen formula: visual presentation, multimedia tools, pedagogical content delivered by the facilitator, individual practical exercises, exchanges in small groups, plenary.

Certificate of participation in the workshop.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


150 € tax free / Participant

Practical workshop: Citizen power

Given the magnitude of the major environmental, social, and economic challenges, we have three choices. Listen without feeling challenged. React by shouting injustice but without taking concrete action. Be indignant and set out to change things. Which of these options applies to you?

Hundreds of millions of people on all continents have understood the scope of their power. Because yes, our power is powerful. These committed people are literally transforming our society.  Citizens’ victories, seemingly impossible, are multiplying. Governments and companies are thus called upon to act. This workshop aims to take action in the concrete exercise of citizen power. It makes it possible to become aware of the power of each one as an economic actor and citizen.

As a recognized agent of social change, Canadian facilitator, Jean Provencher, will bring his decades-long expertise and social commitment to participants.

Activity accessible to all audiences: individuals, schools, companies, organizations

Become aware of the true power that everyone possesses to make a difference.

To raise awareness of the various ways in which citizen power can be exercised individually and collectively.

Stimulate the desire to engage socially by measuring the unsuspected impact that concerted gestures and actions can have.

Thisworkshop is part of an educational path for social change, which offers activities (e.g., conference and seminar) to go deeper into certain themes.

Three formulas proposed for a total day of 8 hours

  • One 8-hour theme of your choice ► Full day
  • Two themes of 4 hours to choose from ► 1 in AM + 1 in PM
  • Four 2-hour theme of your choice ► 2 in AM + 2 in PM

Themes offered (according to the applicable time blocks)


8 h

4 h

 2 h


Global warming




·Measuring the magnitude and impacts of warming

·Learning to fight global warming every day

Power of the citizen




·Becoming aware ofthe powerful power in our hands

·Exercising this power in practice

Responsible consumption




·Realizing how consumption governs everything

·Adopt healthy and sustainable consumption patterns

Technological dependence




·Questioning the place of technology in our society

·Dominating the techno footprint to limit its impacts

Information and disinformation




·Understanding the influence of information warfare

·Guarding against disinformation and propaganda

Responsible Investment



·Discover the benefits of investing responsibly

·Identify truly responsible investments

General approach of the workshop
(* the sequence and duration of the elements below will vary according to the chosen formula)

1.Context of the theme


3.Individual exercise(s)

4.Exchange(s) in group or subgroup(s)

5.Information Shared


Prerequisite: Participants are strongly advised to have attended the conference “Being, thinking and acting differently” beforehand.

The workshop includes various forms of learning and practice depending on the chosen formula: visual presentation, multimedia tools, pedagogical content delivered by the facilitator, individual practical exercises, exchanges in small groups, plenary.

Certificate of participation in the workshop.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


250 € tax free / Participant

Practical workshop: Information & disinformaion

The advent of the internet, social   networks and streaming media have completely changed the portrait of information. Never has the world suffered from such bulimia. In this jungle where judicious, dubious, or even dangerous information rubs shoulders, it is now difficult to navigate.

In this era of social and ecological awareness, companies, organizations, and individuals have a weapon of mass destruction: disinformation-propaganda. This workshop takes stock of the pernicious technique of “greenwashing”. Concrete cases of this strategy demonstrate that organizations never hesitate to “misinform”, by falsely associating a product with a social or environmental vision.

As a recognized agent of social change, Canadian facilitator Jean Provencher will bring his decades-long expertise and social commitment to participants.

Defending people and the planet while enjoying a strong portfolio is now a reality. This workshop, taught by a facilitator who is not specialized in finance but strongly socially engaged, will awaken you to the real impacts of your portfolio: encouraging good organizations and abandoning bad ones.

As a recognized agent of social change, Canadian facilitator Jean Provencher will bring his decades-long expertise and social commitment to participants.

Activity accessible to all audiences: individuals, schools, companies, organizations

Understand how disinformation and propaganda techniques work and apply, including so-called “greenwashing”.

To become aware of the harmful and even dangerous consequences of disinformation techniques which, by becoming embedded in the process of gathering information, analysing and decision-making, directly influence everyday life.

Provide leads to detect the presence of an intentional form of disinformation in messages and communications.

Thisworkshop is part of an educational path for social change, which offers activities (e.g., conference and seminar) to go deeper into certain themes.

Three formulas proposed for a total day of 8 hours

  • One 8-hour theme of your choice ► Full day
  • Two themes of 3h30 to choose from ► 1 in AM + 1 in PM
  • Four 2-hour theme of your choice ► 2 in AM + 2 in PM

Themes offered (according to the applicable time blocks)






Global warming




·Measuring the magnitude and impacts of warming

·Learning to fight global warming every day

Power of the citizen




·Becoming aware ofthe powerful power in our hands

·Exercising this power in practice

Responsible consumption




·Realizing how consumption governs everything

·Adopt healthy and sustainable consumption patterns

Technological dependence




·Questioning the place of technology in our society

·Dominating the techno footprint to limit its impacts

Information and disinformation




·Understanding the influence of information warfare

·Guarding against disinformation and propaganda

Responsible Investment



·Discover the benefits of investing responsibly

·Identify truly responsible investments

General approach of the workshop
(* the sequence and duration of the elements below will vary according to the chosen formula)

1.Context of the theme


3.Individual exercise(s)

4.Exchange(s) in group or subgroup(s)

5.Information Shared


Prerequisite: Participants are strongly advised to have attended the conference “Being, thinking and acting differently” beforehand.

The workshop includes various forms of learning and practice depending on the chosen formula: visual presentation, multimedia tools, pedagogical content delivered by the facilitator, individual practical exercises, exchanges in small groups, plenary.

Certificate of participation in the workshop.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


150 € tax free / Participant

Design of immersion training courses in a real or imaginary setting

We offer to assist you in designing your customized business training courses, in serious game format, in immersion in a real or imaginary setting, to build an integration course, an induction course or a training course at the workstation, or any other training course to develop the skills of your employees, taking into consideration all the operational, regulatory, technical, health & safety, quality, environmental, energy and CSR requirements applicable to your business.       

Design your training in an immersive and gamified situation by:

  • Adapting the training to the learner;
  • Creating training simulations and learning by doing;
  • Facilitating the acquisition, development and transmission of multiple skills and adapted to your job missions;
  • Promoting and improving learner engagement through realistic situations, immersive and gamified.

Define a training plan and distribute the training modules.

Set up a reporting of the realization of the training plan

1-Expression of the learning needs

2-Definition of the learning program

3-Writing the content of the learning module

4-Design of the adaptative and immersive learning module

4.1- Creation of the working environment decor

4.2- Creation of the actors 

4.3- Scripting of the leaning module content with the integration of interactive sequences to facilitate skills acquisition

4.4- Vocalization of the content

5-Deployment of the training module on your website, platform, tablets, PC     

6-Implementation of statistical monitoring of the training modules designed

Use of simulation and training tools.

Use of Serious Games, and Videos Learning.

Any function

Certificate of attendance

Success scoring per person and/or module and other available statistical data.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


On demand as needed

The cost of preventing occupational health & safety risks

This training allows to highlight the true cost of occupational health & safety prevention which remains negligible compared to the benefits for the company.

Know the real cost of prevention related to OHS.

Knowing how the prevention of OHS risks contributes to better performance by taking human factors into greater consideration.

1-Issues related to OHS prevention

2-The regulatory framework

3-Work accidents in a few figures

4-The necessary definitions

5-The economic and organizational consequences of a work accident

6-The impact of AT on the competitiveness of the company

7-The place of TAs in the risk management policy

8-The real cost of prevention

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Managers, HR, Designated Worker, QSE/HSE/SST Assistant or Manager, staff representatives.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Health & safety training plan

This training allows to set up a worker Health & Safety (OHS) training plan that meets the requirements of the worker health & safety management system as well as legal and other requirements.

Identify all training needs to prevent OSH risks and meet legal requirements and other requirements.

Identify the personnel concerned and the means necessary for the implementation of the training plan.

Monitor the progress of the implementation of the training plan as well as the periodic update.

1-Issues related to OHS training

2-The regulatory framework

3-The occupational health & safety training approach

3.1-Definition of training needs in the company

3.2-Training organized internally

3.3-Training done internally by externals

3.4-Training provided by training organizations

3.5-Mandatory OHS training

3.6-Analysis of the means necessary for the implementation of the training plan

3.7-Training planning

3.8-Evaluation of the performance of training for the company

3.8.1-Traceability of trained employees

3.8.2-Assessment of prior learning

3.8.3-Evaluation of training earnings

3.8.4-Monitoring evolution of Nb AT

4-Practical exercise

The participatory presentation, integrating a methodology and implementation tools, facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Manager, ASSISTANT/HR Manager, Designated Worker, Assistant/QSE/HSE/OHS Manager.

Submission of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant