
Training Services

Learn management

Reference: Trainevo-092022-Qualité- 03
Domain: Quality

16 Heures

Waste, waste of time, poor organization are often recurring problems within organizations. Every goods and services company faces errors and delays. The correction budget (Fix-it) of uncontrolled projects can reach 40 € out of 100 € spent.

However, in an era of globalization where competition is fierce, and everything must be done in a very short time, it is essential for any organization to control its processes and production costs for sustainable development.

Thus, this training in Lean management will allow participants to act within the organization as well as at the level of:

  • customers to better understand their expectations,
  • processes to avoid waste,
  • the involvement of staff to strengthen their commitment,
  • of the organization to ensure a continuous improvement process.

Managers wishing to implement a participatory continuous improvement strategy over the long term.

 Prerequisite: none


Know the basic principles of Lean Management.

Understand the possibilities of combining continuous process improvement, staff involvement and the benefits that this entails.

Discover the main tools of Lean Management so that participants can apply it in their organization.

Transpose these methods to any type of organization (industry, services, administration, health care, etc.)

1- The philosophy of Lean Management

2- The Triangle of Business Incompatibilities – Positioning Your Business in Organizational Terms

3- The pillars of the Toyota system: Continuous Improvement and respect for peopl

4- The benefits of Lean

5- Waste (Muda): 7 + 1

6- Notions of flow through an assembly of a Lego® game

7- Waste (Muda): 7 + 1

8- Deployment of a D.M.A.I.C. approach (Define Measure Analyze Improve Control)

  • Deployment through a workshop
  • Manufacturing a physical product and improving the steps using the DMAI

9-Development of basic tools:

  • S. M (Value Stream Mapping)
  • Method 5S
  • M.E.D (Single Minute Exchange of Die)
  • Kaizen
  • Kanban
  • P.C. (Statistical Process Control)
  • Methods of searching for causes:
    • D.C.A, Method 8D, Ishikawa, Pareto, 5 ?, etc.

10- Development of other methods according to the participants (Round table at the start)


The theoretical part represents 50% of the training.

The rest of the training consists of Workshops, professional game boards, photos / videos and exchanges with participants.

The trainer uses the method of Participatory Dynamics (Sociocracy) to involve all participants in the training.

For some themes, the trainer highlights the need to propose short-term (Quick Wins), medium (Kaizen) and long-term (Project Management) improvements to reduce recurring malfunctions.

A quick estimate of the R.O.I. (Return on Investment) is sometimes useful to highlight to establish the content of a theme. This R.O.I can be quantified in different ways (Financial, Time, Security, Environment, etc. ).

Certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


800 € Tax free / Participant

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