
Training Services

Strategy and planning for sustainable development (CSR)

This training allows to understand the notions of corporate social responsibility for sustainable
development to integrate ecological, economic and social constraints, the expectations and concerns of
all stakeholders, so as to anticipate them and improve its responsiveness, performance, image, and the
mobilization of its staff around these

Managers, HR, Project Manager or CSR/Quality/QSE/HSE/SST Manager.

Identify the challenges of sustainable development for your organization.

Assess the compliance of its approach with international standards.

Define a sustainability strategy integrated into your operating model.

Identify performance monitoring indicators to be measured and valued.

Develop a short- and medium-term progress plan.

1- Issues related to sustainable development

2- Voluntary approaches in terms of CSR

3- The ISO 26 000 standard

4- The principles of social responsibility

5- How to integrate CSR principles into the company?

6- Sustainable production and consumption patterns

7-Implement social responsibility throughout the organization?

8- Evaluation of CSR performance & Certification 


The interactive presentation including a methodology and implementation tools allows a good acquisition of skills.

Certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

Responsible & sustainable purchasing strategy

This training allows you to implement a responsible & sustainable purchasing strategy to better understand and control the risks and opportunities related to responsible environmental, social and economic development in order to bring added value to the organization 
by improving its productivity, evaluating its performance, facilitating communication between the various stakeholders in the supply chain, and encouraging innovation.

Identify the issues related to the purchase of responsible & sustainable products/services.

Integrate the economic, environmental and social dimension into your purchasing strategy.

Implement a responsible & sustainable purchasing process.

1-Issues related to the purchase of responsible & sustainable products/services

2-The regulatory framework

3-Understand the fundamentals of responsible & sustainable purchasing

4-Integrate CSR into the organization’s purchasing policy and strategy

5-Structure the purchasing function based on social responsibility

6-Integrate social responsibility into the purchasing process

7-Evaluate the performance of the responsible & sustainable purchasing strategy

8-Continuous improvement


The interactive presentation including a methodology and implementation tools, allows a good acquisition of skills.

Managers, HR, Project Manager or CSR/Quality/QSE/HSE/SST Manager.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

How to become a responsible “consumer-actor”?

This training allows to raise awareness on responsible consumption issues of products & services in both professional or personal context to become a commited company and/or consumer.

Know the challenges of responsible food.

Identify responsible & sustainable consumption practices and habits.

Have information, knowledge & tools to engage in responsible and sustainable consumption practices.

1-The challenges of responsible & sustainable consumption

2-The regulatory framework

3-Identify & evaluate the different consumption practices or habits

4-Keys to responsible consumption

4.1-Preference for carbon-free products/services

4.2-Act to move from simple consumer to responsible consumer-actor


The interactive presentation including a methodology and implementation tools, allows a good acquisition of skills.

Persons concerned:

Managers, HR, purchasing manager, project manager or CSR/quality/QSE/HSE/SST manager, all staff, anyone wishing to learn about responsible consumption issues.

Certificate of attendance. 

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Energy Management System (EnMS)

This training allows you to deploy an energy management system (EnMS) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 50001 in order to improve the energy performance of your activity.


Know the issues related to energy efficiency.

Know and understand the requirements of the ISO 50001 V 2018 standard.

Deploy an energy management system (EnMS) within its activity.

Become familiar with energy management tools.

1- Issues related to energy efficiency

2- The regulatory framework

3- Deployment of an Energy Management System (EnMS)

3.1- Context of the organization


3.3- Planning

3.4- Support activities

3.5- Carrying out operational activities

3.6- Performance evaluation

3.7- Improvement


The interactive presentation including a methodology and implementation tools, allows a good acquisition of skills.

Managers, Environmental Manager/Assistant/Project Manager, Quality/QSE/HSE/SST Manager, Technical Services Manager.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


800 € Tax free / Participant

Review of the Energy management system

This training allows you to carry out the energy review of your energy management system in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard. progress.

Identify and assess the significant sources of energy consumption in your activity.

Determine the reference consumption for each type of energy.

Implement a plan to optimize the energy efficiency of your activity.

Set up indicators to monitor your energy performance.

1- Issues related to the energy review

2- The legal and normative framework

3-The energy review in accordance with ISO 50001 (EMS):

3.1- Identify the significant energy uses of your activity

3.2- Evaluate past and present uses and energy consumption

3.3- Identify uses, energy consumption, sectors of significant energy use

3.4- Determine current energy performance

3.5- Establish a reference consumption for the uses and consumptions of the organization

3.6- Estimate future uses and consumption

3.6- Identify, prioritize and record the potential for improving energy performance

3.7- Establish objectives and targets related to the energy policy

3.8- Implement an energy performance action plan consistent with the objectives and targets set

4- Performance management

5- Updating the energy review and continuous improvement


The interactive presentation including a methodology and implementation tools, allows a good acquisition of skills.

Managers, Environmental Manager/Assistant/Project Manager, Quality/QSE/HSE/SST Manager, Technical Services Manager.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

Environmental Management System (EMS)

This training provides the methodology as well as the tools necessary to understand the requirements and to deploy an environmental management system (EMS) in accordance with ISO 14001.

Know the issues related to the implementation of an EMS.

Appropriate the principles of an EMS.

Understand and deploy the requirements of an EMS in accordance with ISO 14001.

Appropriate the tools of environmental management.

1- The issues related to the implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS)

2- The regulatory & normative framework

3- Understand and deploy an EMS in accordance with ISO 14001

3.1- Context of the organization


3.3- Planning

3.4- Support activities

3.5- Carrying out operational activities

3.6- Performance evaluation

3.7- Continuous improvement


The interactive presentation including a methodology and implementation tools, allows a good acquisition of skills.

Manager, Manager/Assistant/Environment Project Manager, QSE/HSE/SST Manager.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


800 € Tax free / Participant

Environmental impact analysis

This training allows to determine the internal and external issues relevant to the purpose of your organization, and also to identify the significant environmental aspects and impacts on which the organization has an influence, in order to implement an action plan for improvement of the environment management system performance (EMS) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001.

Understand and implement ISO 14001 requirements for organizational context and planning.

Identify and assess relevant internal and external issues that may influence the achievement of its EMS results.

Identify and assess the environmental aspects and impacts of its activity from a life cycle perspective.

Determine the significant environmental aspects and impacts.

Implement an action plan to improve the performance of the EMS.

1- The challenges of environmental planning

2- The normative framework

3- The context of the organization

3.1- Understanding of the organization and its context

3.1.1- Determination of relevant internal and external issues

3.1.2- Determination of risks and opportunities

3.2- Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

3.2.1-Identify interested parties and their relevant needs and expectations

4- Environmental analysis

4.1- Identify the environmental aspects and impacts associated with each business activity:

In normal operating conditions,
In abnormal situation.

4.2- Identify applicable legal and other requirements

4.3- Environmental objectives

5-Planning to achieve environmental objectives and address risks and opportunities


The interactive presentation, including a methodology and implementation tools, facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Manager, Manager/Assistant/Environment Project Manager, QSE/HSE/SST Manager.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

Awareness regarding the carbon footprint assessment of your activity

Raise awareness of the issues related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as the assessment of the carbon footprint of your activity in order to put in place an appropriate action plan to reduce it.


Understand the issues related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Know the different stages of carrying out a carbon balance sheet to assess the GHG emissions of an activity.

Identify the levers for reducing the carbon footprint of an activity.

Initiate a process to reduce the carbon dependence of its activity.

1-Issues related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

1.1-What is a GHG?

1.2-The causal relationship between GHG emissions and climate change

1.3-Main sources of GHG emissions

1.4-Risks and opportunities

2-The regulatory framework

3-What method to assess the carbon footprint of an activity?

4-The basics of carrying out a carbon footprint

5-Areas of progress to reduce the activity’s dependence on fossil fuels

6-Deploy a systemic method for the continuous reduction of GHG emissions


The interactive presentation including a methodology and implementation tools, allows a good acquisition of skills.

Managers, Manager or in charge of QSE/HSE/CSR/Environment, all employees.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Operational management of the environmental management system

This training allows you to integrate environmental issues, the requirements of your environmental management system (EMS), legal obligations, risks & opportunities, environmental objectives, within your operational processes in order to improve performance of your EMS as well as your commitment.

Integrate the consideration of environmental requirements into operational processes in order to

ensure implementation by those concerned.

Involve the operational staff concerned in achieving environmental objectives/targets.

Improve the environmental performance of your activity.

1-The challenges of operational management of environmental risks

2-The regulatory framework

3-the roles and responsibilities of each actor

4-Operational activities

4.1-Implementation of environmental objectives planning

4.2-Implementation of environmental risk prevention action programs

4.3-Deployment of the control plan

4.4-Implementation of the training plan

5-Treatment of system and regulatory non-compliances

6-Evaluation of environmental performance

7-Operational audit of environmental performance

8-Continuous improvement


The interactive presentation including a methodology and implementation tools, allows a good acquisition of skills.

Manager, Manager/Assistant/Environment Project Manager, QSE/HSE/SST Manager.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Environment and classified installations legal requirements

This training allows you to identify, assess and monitor the compliance of your activity regarding legal requirements in terms of the environment and classified installations (Commodo / Incommodo).

Identify legal and other requirements applicable to your business.

Assess the compliance of your activity with the legal requirements and other requirements that apply to it.

Set up periodic monitoring of your activity’s compliance with legal and other requirements.


1- Issues related to the management of regulatory and other requirements

2-Identify legal requirements and other requirements

3- Assess compliance with legal requirements and other requirements

4- Establish a regulatory compliance program

5- Set up periodic regulatory monitoring

6- Set up periodic regulatory monitoring of the compliance of its activity

7- Evaluate the performance of the management of the legal and other requirements of your activity


The interactive presentation including a methodology and implementation tools, allows a good acquisition of skills.

Manager, Manager/Assistant/Environment Project Manager, QSE/HSE/SST Manager.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

How to deal with climate change as an economic actor?

This training allows you to understand the issues related to climate change, and to identify the risks and opportunities for your activity in order to anticipate foreseeable risks and better cope with unavoidable events.

Understand the mechanisms of climate change.

Understand the global and local issues related to climate change.

Identify the levers of ecological transformation.

Implement a strategy within its activity to take into account the ecological transition.


1-Understand the mechanisms of climate change

2- The consequences of climate change

2.1- At the global level

2.2 At European level

2.3- At the level of the Grand-Duché of Luxembourg

3- The regulatory context

3.1-At the global level

3.2- At European level

3.3- At the level of the Grand-Duché of Luxembourg

4- The levers of the ecological transition/sector of activity

5- Getting organized in the face of climate change


The interactive presentation including a methodology and implementation tools, allows a good understanding of the issues in order to act.

Managers, HR, Environment Manager/Assistant/Project Manager, QSE/HSE/SST Manager, Any department head, any staff member.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

Acting against food waste

This training raises awareness of the issues of food waste and provides ways to act in order to reduce this impact by adopting a virtuous approach.

Identify and assess sources of waste.

Take action to reduce sources of waste.

Sustainably enrolling in a virtuous approach to responsible and sustainable consumption.

1- The challenges of the fight against food waste

2- The regulatory framework in Europe & in the Grand-Duché of Luxembourg

3- Sources of food waste and the actors involved

4- Act to fight against food waste while preserving food safety

5- Sustainably adopt a virtuous approach to responsible consumption


The interactive presentation including a methodology and implementation tools, allows a good acquisition of skills.

Managers, HR, Environment Manager/Assistant/Project Manager, Quality/QSE/HSE/SST Manager, Any department head, any staff member.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

First Aid

This training allows to learn how to provide first aid gestures that can be of vital importance in some cases, to be able to react correctly to face the many emergency situations that will have been apprehended during the courses and that can occur in a personal or professional environment, while waiting for the intervention of the emergency services.

All audiences: employees or self-employed, public.


Minimum age: 12 years

Know how to identify an emergency situation.

Know the first aid gestures and be able to implement them.

Have enough “First Aiders in Companies» that could be able to manage an emergency situation

in the professional context, in accordance with the following AAA Recommendation No. 1  :

  • One first aider for a maximum of 20 insured persons present,
  • For more than 20 insured persons present:
    • In administrative and commercial enterprises: 5% of the workforce
    • In other companies: 10% of the workforce

Have certified training, provided by Trainevo, approved by the Ministry of the Interior under N°INFS-2022-OFF-007.

The program below that we propose is the one provided for by the Luxembourg legislation in force:

The intervener’s legal framework

Prevention of risks and accidents

The rescue chains


The alert

Examining a situation

Emergency clearances

Reaction in the event of an attack

Syncope and unconsciousness

Rescue gestures adapted to infants, children, and adults

Verification of the state of consciousness

Checking ventilation

The Safety Lateral Position

Victim reversal

Respiratory problems

Circulatory and respiratory anatomy

Waiting positions

Specific bleeding and bleeding

Trauma to the chest



The use of a triangular scarf

Helmet removal

The PLS with two rescuers

Management of suspected trauma to the spine

Specific illnesses and diseases

Heart disease

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

The use of the defibrillator

Alternation between theoretical and technical learning, situational skills, exchanges between participants and debriefings.


Since the reorganization of the first aid courses on 1 July 2018, this course is also based in Luxembourg, on the model of the European First-Aid course.  That is, 2/3 of the course is now based on practice.

The knowledge is validated throughout the training by practical exercises of real situations and analysis which allows a continuous evaluation.

Delivery of a 1st aid certificate valid for 5 years.

Trainevo is approved by the Ministry of the Interior under N°INFS-2022-OF-007.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


230 € Tax free / Attendee

*Price can be downwards depending the nb of attendees

Assessing and Managing Noise Exposure at Work

This training provides the knowledge and skills necessary to assess and implement an approach to prevent exposure to noise at work.

Anyone in charge of noise preventing exposure at work.

Prerequisites: none

Become familiar with the notion of noise and its characteristic quantities.

Understand how the ear works and the impact of associated noise.

Know the regulatory requirements in terms of exposure to noise at work.

Deploy a measurement plan to assess noise exposure at work.

Know how to use a noise measuring device.

Know how to process and exploit noise measurements.

Advise the company on collective and individual prevention measures.

Know how to write and operate an intervention report.

1-Thefundamental principles relating to the phenomenon of Noise

2-The effects of noise on the physiology of hearing

3-Issues related to noise at work and the associated regulatory framework

4-Deploy a noise prevention approach   at work

      4.1-Establish a noise  measurement device

      4.2-Noise metrology

      4.3-Assessment of exposure to noise at work

      4.4-P noise reduction action

      4.5-Staff awareness of the risk of exposure to noise at the workplace

      4.6-Collective prevention solutions

      4.7- Individual prevention solutions

      4.8-Writing of a summary report of the results

This training alternates theoretical contribution and practical exercises for the acquisition of skills.

Submission of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


800 € Tax free / Attendee

*Price can be revised downward according to the number of attendees

Ergonomic study of the workstation in the HoResca sector

This training allows you to:

-Get trained to the principles and theoretical bases of ergonomics and workstation analysis to become an actor in prevention,

-Take into account ergonomics from the design of future workstations or production lines or projects, but also by acting on existing workstations,

-Contribute to the continuous improvement of working conditions within his company.

Any person involved in the setting up or creation of workstations or working on the modification of workstations.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of safety and risk prevention

Appropriate the main basic notions of ergonomics.

Acquire the methodologies to design and improve the layout of physical workspaces with maximum of safety, comfort, and efficiency.

Integrate ergonomics and prevention into your professional practice to anticipate and reduce the risk of MSDs.

Carry out diagnoses, organize and implement workplace analysis and risk prevention actions according to the objectives set by the company.

Preparation before the training: 0.5 days

Adaptation of the training to your activity (collection of information on the work situations to be studied).

 DAY 1 Morning: Man at Work

  • Definitions of ergonomics
  • Regulatory aspects
  • Benefits of ergonomics for the worker and the company
  • Some notions of anatomy: muscles, spine, and joints
  • Gestures and joint amplitudes
  • Static and dynamic efforts and postures
  • Handling and risks of MSDs

DAY 1 Afternoon: The work environment

  • Visit of the 3 positions to be analyzed (approx. 20′ per position)
  • Deviation between the prescribed work– actual work
  • The physical atmospheres of the work environment
  • Temporal conditions related to shiftwork (3*8H)
  • Teamwork
  • The biomechanical, mental, organizational, and environmental constraints of the position

DAY 2 Morning: Workstation analysis

  • Presentation of the job analysis process
  • The principles and techniques of job diagnosis
  • Diagnostic tools
  • The search for solutions in the design phase or workstation layout

DAY 2 Afternoon: Workstation analysis (continued)

  • Presentation of an ergonomic study of a concrete case
  • Exercise: “Realization of an inventory of your workstation”
  • On-site study of company-specific situations with participants
  • Training assessment

DAY 3 Morning or afternoon remotely: Restitution by the participants

  • Presentation of their job analysis approach: diagnosis and improvement proposals.

The proposed methodology is that of “Training – action” which adapts to each context of intervention and is based on concrete case studies specific to the company.

An alternation of theoretical contributions and field work will be adopted so that participants can better understand the problems of health, safety, design, and workstation layout, through the study of work situations present in their company.

This method allows to implement immediately and autonomously the achievements of the training.

A feedback session (0.5 days remotely) will take place approximately 4 weeks after the training session (2 days) to allow participants to carry out an in-depth analysis (ergonomic diagnosis) of the workstation that has been chosen and to propose adapted improvement solutions that will then be discussed with the whole group.

Training materials will be provided to participants in advance in electronic format.

Immediate evaluation sheets will be distributed at the end of the training, as well as a final round table organized, so that participants can take stock of the contributions, the achievement of the objectives, and the quality of the training provided.

At the end of the restitution session a certificate of completion of the training will be given to each participant.


An evaluation in the form of a questionnaire will be sent to participants approximately 6 months after the training to measure the effects of the training on their practices within the company.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


950€ Tax free / Attendee

*Price can be revised downwards depending of the nb of attendees

Ergonomic study of the workstation in the industry sector

This training allows you to:

-Get trained to the principles and theoretical bases of ergonomics and workstation analysis to become an actor in prevention,

-Take into account ergonomics from the design of future workstations or production lines or projects, but also by acting on existing workstations,

-Contribute to the continuous improvement of working conditions within his company.

Any person involved in the setting up or creation of workstations or working on the modification of workstations.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of safety and risk prevention

Appropriate the main basic notions of ergonomics.

Acquire the methodologies to design and improve the layout of physical workspaces with maximum of safety, comfort, and efficiency.

Integrate ergonomics and prevention into your professional practice to anticipate and reduce the risk of MSDs.

Carry out diagnoses, organize and implement workplace analysis and risk prevention actions according to the objectives set by the company.

Preparation before the training: 0.5 days

Adaptation of the training to your activity (collection of information on the work situations to be studied).

 DAY 1 Morning: Man at Work

  • Definitions of ergonomics
  • Regulatory aspects
  • Benefits of ergonomics for the worker and the company
  • Some notions of anatomy: muscles, spine, and joints
  • Gestures and joint amplitudes
  • Static and dynamic efforts and postures
  • Handling and risks of MSDs

DAY 1 Afternoon: The work environment

  • Visit of the 3 positions to be analyzed (approx. 20′ per position)
  • Deviation between the prescribed work– actual work
  • The physical atmospheres of the work environment
  • Temporal conditions related to shiftwork (3*8H)
  • Teamwork
  • The biomechanical, mental, organizational, and environmental constraints of the position

DAY 2 Morning: Workstation analysis

  • Presentation of the job analysis process
  • The principles and techniques of job diagnosis
  • Diagnostic tools
  • The search for solutions in the design phase or workstation layout

DAY 2 Afternoon: Workstation analysis (continued)

  • Presentation of an ergonomic study of a concrete case
  • Exercise: “Realization of an inventory of your workstation”
  • On-site study of company-specific situations with participants
  • Training assessment

DAY 3 Morning or afternoon remotely: Restitution by the participants

  • Presentation of their job analysis approach: diagnosis and improvement proposals.

The proposed methodology is that of “Training – action” which adapts to each context of intervention and is based on concrete case studies specific to the company.

An alternation of theoretical contributions and field work will be adopted so that participants can better understand the problems of health, safety, design, and workstation layout, through the study of work situations present in their company.

This method allows to implement immediately and autonomously the achievements of the training.

A feedback session (0.5 days remotely) will take place approximately 4 weeks after the training session (2 days) to allow participants to carry out an in-depth analysis (ergonomic diagnosis) of the workstation that has been chosen and to propose adapted improvement solutions that will then be discussed with the whole group.

Training materials will be provided to participants in advance in electronic format.

Immediate evaluation sheets will be distributed at the end of the training, as well as a final round table organized, so that participants can take stock of the contributions, the achievement of the objectives, and the quality of the training provided.

At the end of the restitution session a certificate of completion of the training will be given to each participant.


An evaluation in the form of a questionnaire will be sent to participants approximately 6 months after the training to measure the effects of the training on their practices within the company.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


950 € Tax free / Attendee

*Price can be revised downwards depending of the nb of attendees

Ergonomic study of the workstation in the building sector

This training allows you to:

-Get trained to the principles and theoretical bases of ergonomics and workstation analysis to become an actor in prevention,

-Take into account ergonomics from the design of future workstations or production lines or projects, but also by acting on existing workstations,

-Contribute to the continuous improvement of working conditions within his company.

Any person involved in the setting up or creation of workstations or working on the modification of workstations.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of safety and risk prevention

Appropriate the main basic notions of ergonomics.

Acquire the methodologies to design and improve the layout of physical workspaces with maximum of safety, comfort, and efficiency.

Integrate ergonomics and prevention into your professional practice to anticipate and reduce the risk of MSDs.

Carry out diagnoses, organize and implement workplace analysis and risk prevention actions according to the objectives set by the company.

Preparation before the training: 0.5 days

Adaptation of the training to your activity (collection of information on the work situations to be studied).

 DAY 1 Morning: Man at Work

  • Definitions of ergonomics
  • Regulatory aspects
  • Benefits of ergonomics for the worker and the company
  • Some notions of anatomy: muscles, spine, and joints
  • Gestures and joint amplitudes
  • Static and dynamic efforts and postures
  • Handling and risks of MSDs

DAY 1 Afternoon: The work environment

  • Visit of the 3 positions to be analyzed (approx. 20′ per position)
  • Deviation between the prescribed work– actual work
  • The physical atmospheres of the work environment
  • Temporal conditions related to shiftwork (3*8H)
  • Teamwork
  • The biomechanical, mental, organizational, and environmental constraints of the position

DAY 2 Morning: Workstation analysis

  • Presentation of the job analysis process
  • The principles and techniques of job diagnosis
  • Diagnostic tools
  • The search for solutions in the design phase or workstation layout

DAY 2 Afternoon: Workstation analysis (continued)

  • Presentation of an ergonomic study of a concrete case
  • Exercise: “Realization of an inventory of your workstation”
  • On-site study of company-specific situations with participants
  • Training assessment

DAY 3 Morning or afternoon remotely: Restitution by the participants

  • Presentation of their job analysis approach: diagnosis and improvement proposals.

The proposed methodology is that of “Training – action” which adapts to each context of intervention and is based on concrete case studies specific to the company.

An alternation of theoretical contributions and field work will be adopted so that participants can better understand the problems of health, safety, design, and workstation layout, through the study of work situations present in their company.

This method allows to implement immediately and autonomously the achievements of the training.

A feedback session (0.5 days remotely) will take place approximately 4 weeks after the training session (2 days) to allow participants to carry out an in-depth analysis (ergonomic diagnosis) of the workstation that has been chosen and to propose adapted improvement solutions that will then be discussed with the whole group.

Training materials will be provided to participants in advance in electronic format.

Immediate evaluation sheets will be distributed at the end of the training, as well as a final round table organized, so that participants can take stock of the contributions, the achievement of the objectives, and the quality of the training provided.

At the end of the restitution session a certificate of completion of the training will be given to each participant.


An evaluation in the form of a questionnaire will be sent to participants approximately 6 months after the training to measure the effects of the training on their practices within the company.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


1200 € Tax free / Participant

Ergonomic study of the workstation in the medico-social sector

This training allows you to:

-Get trained to the principles and theoretical bases of ergonomics and workstation analysis to become an actor in prevention,

-Take into account ergonomics from the design of future workstations or production lines or projects, but also by acting on existing workstations,

-Contribute to the continuous improvement of working conditions within his company.

Any person involved in the setting up or creation of workstations or working on the modification of workstations.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of safety and risk prevention

Appropriate the main basic notions of ergonomics.

Acquire the methodologies to design and improve the layout of physical workspaces with maximum of safety, comfort, and efficiency.

Integrate ergonomics and prevention into your professional practice to anticipate and reduce the risk of MSDs.

Carry out diagnoses, organize and implement workplace analysis and risk prevention actions according to the objectives set by the company.

Preparation before the training: 0.5 days

Adaptation of the training to your activity (collection of information on the work situations to be studied).

 DAY 1 Morning: Man at Work

  • Definitions of ergonomics
  • Regulatory aspects
  • Benefits of ergonomics for the worker and the company
  • Some notions of anatomy: muscles, spine, and joints
  • Gestures and joint amplitudes
  • Static and dynamic efforts and postures
  • Handling and risks of MSDs

DAY 1 Afternoon: The work environment

  • Visit of the 3 positions to be analyzed (approx. 20′ per position)
  • Deviation between the prescribed work– actual work
  • The physical atmospheres of the work environment
  • Temporal conditions related to shiftwork (3*8H)
  • Teamwork
  • The biomechanical, mental, organizational, and environmental constraints of the position

DAY 2 Morning: Workstation analysis

  • Presentation of the job analysis process
  • The principles and techniques of job diagnosis
  • Diagnostic tools
  • The search for solutions in the design phase or workstation layout

DAY 2 Afternoon: Workstation analysis (continued)

  • Presentation of an ergonomic study of a concrete case
  • Exercise: “Realization of an inventory of your workstation”
  • On-site study of company-specific situations with participants
  • Training assessment

DAY 3 Morning or afternoon remotely: Restitution by the participants

  • Presentation of their job analysis approach: diagnosis and improvement proposals.

The proposed methodology is that of “Training – action” which adapts to each context of intervention and is based on concrete case studies specific to the company.

An alternation of theoretical contributions and field work will be adopted so that participants can better understand the problems of health, safety, design, and workstation layout, through the study of work situations present in their company.

This method allows to implement immediately and autonomously the achievements of the training.

A feedback session (0.5 days remotely) will take place approximately 4 weeks after the training session (2 days) to allow participants to carry out an in-depth analysis (ergonomic diagnosis) of the workstation that has been chosen and to propose adapted improvement solutions that will then be discussed with the whole group.

Training materials will be provided to participants in advance in electronic format.

Immediate evaluation sheets will be distributed at the end of the training, as well as a final round table organized, so that participants can take stock of the contributions, the achievement of the objectives, and the quality of the training provided.

At the end of the restitution session a certificate of completion of the training will be given to each participant.


An evaluation in the form of a questionnaire will be sent to participants approximately 6 months after the training to measure the effects of the training on their practices within the company.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


1200 € Tax free / Participant

Prevention of Risks related to Physical Activity in the tertiary sector

This training allows you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become an actor in the prevention of risks related to physical activity, and to contribute to the continuous improvement of working conditions within your company.

All employees, operators and agents engaged in physical activity.

Prerequisites: None

Be able to position themselves as an actor in the prevention of risks related to physical activity in their company or establishment.

Be able to observe and analyze his work situation based on the functioning of the human body, to identify the various health damages likely to be incurred.

Be able to participate in the control of risk in his company or establishment and in its prevention.

DAY 1 Morning: Mastering the fundamentals of occupational risk prevention

  • Presentation of the training
  • Principles of occurrence of damage. Concepts of danger and risk
  • Concepts of accident at work (AT), commuting accident and occupational disease (MP)
  • Statistics related to AT / MP and interest in the prevention of occupational risks
  • Identification of the different risks of its sector of activity.
  • The 9 aspects of occupational risk prevention


DAY 1 Afternoon : Carry out a diagnosis of a work situation

  • Elementary notions of anatomy and limits of the functioning of the human body
  • Observation and analysis of a hazardous work situation
  • Identification of the elements of a work situation: assessment of physical, mental, and organizational constraints.
  • Proposal for improvements that may avoid or reduce the risks associated with physical activity
  • Passing instructions for intersessional work

DAY 2 Morning: Know how to assess and controloccupational risks within your company

  • Restitution of intersessional work
  • Analysis and proposal for improvement

DAY 2 Afternoon: Adapt and optimize your professional practices

  • The Basic Principles of Safety and Effort Saving (PSEE)
  • Protective handling adapted to his profession.
  • The use of preventive technical aids.

Course of the training:

2 non-consecutive days (14 hours). Intersessional work between the 2 days.  The date of the 2nd day will be set at the end of the first day in consultation with the attendees.

This is essentially practical training in accordance with the INRS program (French national reference system).

Analysis of practices.

Acquisition and assessment of knowledge and skills.

A certification test: observation, analysis and proposal for improvement of the work situation.

Certificate of attendance.

A maintenance and updating of skills advised.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


650 € Tax free / Attendee

*Price can be revised downwards depending of the nb of attendee

Prevention of Risks related to Physical Activity in the commerce sector

This training allows you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become an actor in the prevention of risks related to physical activity, and to contribute to the continuous improvement of working conditions within your company.

All employees, operators and agents engaged in physical activity.

Prerequisites: None

Be able to position themselves as an actor in the prevention of risks related to physical activity in their company or establishment.

Be able to observe and analyze his work situation based on the functioning of the human body, to identify the various health damages likely to be incurred.

Be able to participate in the control of risk in his company or establishment and in its prevention.

DAY 1 Morning: Mastering the fundamentals of occupational risk prevention

  • Presentation of the training
  • Principles of occurrence of damage. Concepts of danger and risk
  • Concepts of accident at work (AT), commuting accident and occupational disease (MP)
  • Statistics related to AT / MP and interest in the prevention of occupational risks
  • Identification of the different risks of its sector of activity.
  • The 9 aspects of occupational risk prevention


DAY 1 Afternoon : Carry out a diagnosis of a work situation

  • Elementary notions of anatomy and limits of the functioning of the human body
  • Observation and analysis of a hazardous work situation
  • Identification of the elements of a work situation: assessment of physical, mental, and organizational constraints.
  • Proposal for improvements that may avoid or reduce the risks associated with physical activity
  • Passing instructions for intersessional work

DAY 2 Morning: Know how to assess and controloccupational risks within your company

  • Restitution of intersessional work
  • Analysis and proposal for improvement

DAY 2 Afternoon: Adapt and optimize your professional practices

  • The Basic Principles of Safety and Effort Saving (PSEE)
  • Protective handling adapted to his profession.
  • The use of preventive technical aids.

Course of the training:

2 non-consecutive days (14 hours). Intersessional work between the 2 days.  The date of the 2nd day will be set at the end of the first day in consultation with the attendees.

This is essentially practical training in accordance with the INRS program (French national reference system).

Analysis of practices.

Acquisition and assessment of knowledge and skills.

A certification test: observation, analysis and proposal for improvement of the work situation.

Certificate of attendance.

A maintenance and updating of skills advised.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


800 € Tax free / Participant

Prevention of Risks related to Physical Activity in the medico-social sector

This training allows you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become an actor in the prevention of risks related to physical activity, and to contribute to the continuous improvement of working conditions within your company.

All employees, operators and agents engaged in physical activity.

Prerequisites: None

Be able to position themselves as an actor in the prevention of risks related to physical activity in their company or establishment.

Be able to observe and analyze his work situation based on the functioning of the human body, to identify the various health damages likely to be incurred.

Be able to participate in the control of risk in his company or establishment and in its prevention.

DAY 1 Morning: Mastering the fundamentals of occupational risk prevention

  • Presentation of the training
  • Principles of occurrence of damage. Concepts of danger and risk
  • Concepts of accident at work (AT), commuting accident and occupational disease (MP)
  • Statistics related to AT / MP and interest in the prevention of occupational risks
  • Identification of the different risks of its sector of activity.
  • The 9 aspects of occupational risk prevention


DAY 1 Afternoon : Carry out a diagnosis of a work situation

  • Elementary notions of anatomy and limits of the functioning of the human body
  • Observation and analysis of a hazardous work situation
  • Identification of the elements of a work situation: assessment of physical, mental, and organizational constraints.
  • Proposal for improvements that may avoid or reduce the risks associated with physical activity
  • Passing instructions for intersessional work

DAY 2 Morning: Know how to assess and controloccupational risks within your company

  • Restitution of intersessional work
  • Analysis and proposal for improvement

DAY 2 Afternoon: Adapt and optimize your professional practices

  • The Basic Principles of Safety and Effort Saving (PSEE)
  • Protective handling adapted to his profession.
  • The use of preventive technical aids.

Course of the training:

2 non-consecutive days (14 hours). Intersessional work between the 2 days.  The date of the 2nd day will be set at the end of the first day in consultation with the attendees.

This is essentially practical training in accordance with the INRS program (French national reference system).

Analysis of practices.

Acquisition and assessment of knowledge and skills.

A certification test: observation, analysis and proposal for improvement of the work situation.

Certificate of attendance.

A maintenance and updating of skills advised.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


650 € Tax free / Attendee

*Price can be revised downwards depending of the nb of attendees

Prevention of Risks related to Physical Activity in the building sector

This training allows you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become an actor in the prevention of risks related to physical activity, and to contribute to the continuous improvement of working conditions within your company.

All employees, operators and agents engaged in physical activity.

Prerequisites: None

Be able to position themselves as an actor in the prevention of risks related to physical activity in their company or establishment.

Be able to observe and analyze his work situation based on the functioning of the human body, to identify the various health damages likely to be incurred.

Be able to participate in the control of risk in his company or establishment and in its prevention.

DAY 1 Morning: Mastering the fundamentals of occupational risk prevention

  • Presentation of the training
  • Principles of occurrence of damage. Concepts of danger and risk
  • Concepts of accident at work (AT), commuting accident and occupational disease (MP)
  • Statistics related to AT / MP and interest in the prevention of occupational risks
  • Identification of the different risks of its sector of activity.
  • The 9 aspects of occupational risk prevention


DAY 1 Afternoon : Carry out a diagnosis of a work situation

  • Elementary notions of anatomy and limits of the functioning of the human body
  • Observation and analysis of a hazardous work situation
  • Identification of the elements of a work situation: assessment of physical, mental, and organizational constraints.
  • Proposal for improvements that may avoid or reduce the risks associated with physical activity
  • Passing instructions for intersessional work

DAY 2 Morning: Know how to assess and controloccupational risks within your company

  • Restitution of intersessional work
  • Analysis and proposal for improvement

DAY 2 Afternoon: Adapt and optimize your professional practices

  • The Basic Principles of Safety and Effort Saving (PSEE)
  • Protective handling adapted to his profession.
  • The use of preventive technical aids.

Course of the training:

2 non-consecutive days (14 hours). Intersessional work between the 2 days.  The date of the 2nd day will be set at the end of the first day in consultation with the attendees.

This is essentially practical training in accordance with the INRS program (French national reference system).

Analysis of practices.

Acquisition and assessment of knowledge and skills.

A certification test: observation, analysis and proposal for improvement of the work situation.

Certificate of attendance.

A maintenance and updating of skills advised.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


650 € Tax free / Attendee

*Price can be revised downwards depending of the nb of attendees

Prevention of Risks related to Physical Activity in the industrial sector

This training allows you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become an actor in the prevention of risks related to physical activity, and to contribute to the continuous improvement of working conditions within your company.

All employees, operators and agents engaged in physical activity.

Prerequisites: None

Be able to position themselves as an actor in the prevention of risks related to physical activity in their company or establishment.

Be able to observe and analyze his work situation based on the functioning of the human body, to identify the various health damages likely to be incurred.

Be able to participate in the control of risk in his company or establishment and in its prevention.

DAY 1 Morning: Mastering the fundamentals of occupational risk prevention

  • Presentation of the training
  • Principles of occurrence of damage. Concepts of danger and risk
  • Concepts of accident at work (AT), commuting accident and occupational disease (MP)
  • Statistics related to AT / MP and interest in the prevention of occupational risks
  • Identification of the different risks of its sector of activity.
  • The 9 aspects of occupational risk prevention


DAY 1 Afternoon : Carry out a diagnosis of a work situation

  • Elementary notions of anatomy and limits of the functioning of the human body
  • Observation and analysis of a hazardous work situation
  • Identification of the elements of a work situation: assessment of physical, mental, and organizational constraints.
  • Proposal for improvements that may avoid or reduce the risks associated with physical activity
  • Passing instructions for intersessional work

DAY 2 Morning: Know how to assess and controloccupational risks within your company

  • Restitution of intersessional work
  • Analysis and proposal for improvement

DAY 2 Afternoon: Adapt and optimize your professional practices

  • The Basic Principles of Safety and Effort Saving (PSEE)
  • Protective handling adapted to his profession.
  • The use of preventive technical aids.

Course of the training:

2 non-consecutive days (14 hours). Intersessional work between the 2 days.  The date of the 2nd day will be set at the end of the first day in consultation with the attendees.

This is essentially practical training in accordance with the INRS program (French national reference system).

Analysis of practices.

Acquisition and assessment of knowledge and skills.

A certification test: observation, analysis and proposal for improvement of the work situation.

Certificate of attendance.

A maintenance and updating of skills advised.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


650 € Tax free / Attendee

*Price can be revised downwards depending of the nb of attendees

Occupational health and safety management system (SMSST)

This training allows to deploy a worker health and safety management system in accordance with the ISO 45001 standard in order to improve the organization’s OHS performance.

Know the issues related to the prevention of Occupational Health & Safety (OHS).

Become familiar with the principles and requirements of the OHS management system in accordance with ISO 45001.

Deploy an OHS management system.

Appropriate OHS management tools.

1-The challenges of OHS management

2-The regulatory & normative framework

3-Terms and definitions

4-Deploy an OHS management system

4.1 Principle of continuous improvement

4.2 Context of the organization

4.3 Leadership

4.4 Planning

4.5 Support activities

4.6 Implementation of operational control actions

4.7 OHS performance assessment

4.8 Continuous improvement

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Persons concerned:

Designated Workers, HSE / QSE / Health & Safety Manager or Officer.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


800 € Tax free / Participant

Occupational health and safety legal requirements

This training allows to identify, evaluate and set up periodic monitoring of the organization’s OHS regulatory compliance.

Identify and assess legal OSH requirements.

Identify the responsibilities of the employer, the employee, the hierarchy and the designated worker, and the safety representative.

Deploy a process for managing and controlling the company’s regulatory compliance.

Master the management tools and periodic monitoring of regulatory compliance.

1-OHS regulations

2-The legal obligations of the employer

3-The legal obligations of employees

4-The obligations of the hierarchical line

5-The role of the designated worker

6-Relations between the designated worker and the employer

7-The role of the safety delegate

8-How to deploy a system for managing and controlling compliance with OHS requirements?

9-Tools to identify, assess, rectify and periodically monitor regulatory compliance

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills

Managers, HR, Designated Worker, Assistant / QSE/HSE/SST Manager.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Risks assessment related to occupational Health & Safety

This training allows to carry out the assessment of occupational health and safety risks so as to put in place control actions to prevent the identified risks and improve the company’s OHS performance.

Know how to identify and assess the health and safety risks of all workstations (OHS).

Develop an action plan for controlling the OHS identified.

Become familiar with OHS risk assessment tools.

Evaluate and monitor OHS performance.


1-Issues related to the analysis of OHS risks in the company

2-The regulatory and normative framework

3-Definitions and terminology

4-How to analyze the risks

5-Analysis methods

6-Principles of prevention

7-Prevention measures

8-Searching for appropriate technical and legal documentation

9-Evaluation and performance monitoring

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Designated worker, QSE/HSE/SST Assistant/Manager, HR, staff representatives

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Operational management of Occupational Health and Safety

This training allows to integrate within the operational processes the risks and opportunities, the legal obligations, the operational requirements of ISO 450001, and the objectives in terms of OHS in order to strengthen the involvement and the commitment of the whole employees and improve the company’s OH&SMS performance.

Integrate the consideration of OHS requirements into operational processes in order to ensure their implementation by the people concerned.

Involve all operational staff in achieving OHS objectives/targets.

Improve the performance of the OH&SMS.


1-The challenges of operational management of Occupational Health & Safety (OHS)

2-The regulatory framework

3-the roles & responsibilities of each actor

4-Operational activities & process approach

4.1-Implementing goal planning

4.2-Implementation of the OHS risk prevention action program

4.3-Deployment of the control plane

4.4-Implementation of the training plan

5-Management of work accidents and processing of non-conformities (TNC)

6-OHS performance indicators

7-OHS operational audit

8-Continuous improvement

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

All Occupational Health & Safety stakeholders: Designated worker, QSE/HSE/OHS assistant or manager, staff representatives.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Technical Security Register

This training allows to develop a technical security register, then to ensure its implementation and monitoring in accordance with the regulatory requirements in force.

Know how to draw up a technical safety file.

Apply a methodological approach for monitoring periodic checks and discrepancies noted during these checks.

Put in place the control measures necessary for the compliance of equipment and technical installations.

1-Issues related to the management of the technical security register

2-Legal framework

3-Content of a technical security register

4-Management of the technical security register

5-Management of associated documents

6-Management of the update and monitoring of the technical security register

7-Compliance management to remove any discrepancies noted

8-Practical exercises

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Designated worker, Technical Manager, Assistant or QSE/HSE/SST Manager, HR, staff representatives

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

Deploy a safety culture within your company

This training allows to deploy a health & safety culture in the company in order to act on the risks related to behavior by raising the awareness of each employee so that he becomes a committed actor in risk prevention.

Deploy a methodology to act on OHS to all new members of the company.

Make its personnel aware of behavioral OHS risks at all levels of the company.

Increase the vigilance and involvement of each player in the company.

Make each player in the company responsible for OHS issues.

Acquire tools to initiate and perpetuate the safety culture.

1-Issues related to the establishment of a safety culture

2-The regulatory framework

3- Approach to deploying a safety culture

3.1-Evaluate the level of security of the company

3.2-Set the desired objectives

3.3-Establish an action plan to achieve them

3.4-Define a clear and identical framework for everyone

3.5-Strengthen the involvement & exemplarity of the hierarchical line

3.6-Raise awareness among all staff of the defined OHS framework

3.7-Anchor OHS in the daily lives of all employees at all levels of the company

4-Tools to perpetuate the safety culture

5-Evaluate the performance of your safety culture & continuous improvement

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Designated worker, QSE/HSE/SST Assistant or Manager, HR, staff representatives

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

Management of work accident

This training allows to master the management process of a work accident, the appropriate declaration, the
method of the root causes analysis, the implementation of appropriate corrective and preventive actions, and
finally the monitoring of the effectiveness of the actions taken to prevent it from happening again.

Managers, HR, Designated Worker, Assistant or QSE/HSE/OHS Manager, staff representatives

Know how to collect quickly and efficiently the necessary information when a work accident arrives.

Ability to apply the root cause analysis method to analyze an accident from previously collected information.

Put in place appropriate corrective and preventive actions to deal with the accident that has occurred.

Monitor the effectiveness of the actions put in place to avoid recurrence.

1-Issues related to accidents at work in the company

2-The associated regulatory framework

3-Treatment of a work accident

    3.1- The investigation after a work accident

    3.2- The root causes analysis of a work accident

     3.3- The implementation of appropriate corrective and preventive actions

4-Examples and practical cases

5-Monitoring the effectiveness of the actions taken to avoid the recurrence

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant