
Training Services

Deploy a safety culture within your company

Reference: Trainevo-022022-SST- 08

1 day

This training allows to deploy a health & safety culture in the company in order to act on the risks related to behavior by raising the awareness of each employee so that he becomes a committed actor in risk prevention.

Deploy a methodology to act on OHS to all new members of the company.

Make its personnel aware of behavioral OHS risks at all levels of the company.

Increase the vigilance and involvement of each player in the company.

Make each player in the company responsible for OHS issues.

Acquire tools to initiate and perpetuate the safety culture.

1-Issues related to the establishment of a safety culture

2-The regulatory framework

3- Approach to deploying a safety culture

3.1-Evaluate the level of security of the company

3.2-Set the desired objectives

3.3-Establish an action plan to achieve them

3.4-Define a clear and identical framework for everyone

3.5-Strengthen the involvement & exemplarity of the hierarchical line

3.6-Raise awareness among all staff of the defined OHS framework

3.7-Anchor OHS in the daily lives of all employees at all levels of the company

4-Tools to perpetuate the safety culture

5-Evaluate the performance of your safety culture & continuous improvement

The participatory presentation integrating a methodology and implementation tools facilitates the acquisition of skills.

Designated worker, QSE/HSE/SST Assistant or Manager, HR, staff representatives

Delivery of a certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


400 € Tax free / Participant

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