
Training Services

Good hygiene and food safety practices

Reference: Trainevo-022022-Sécuritéalimentaire- 01
Domain: Food Safety


This training allows to raise awareness of the dangers, risks and good hygiene and food safety practices to be adopted by all people working in contact with foodstuffs (HoResca, food trade, canteens, nurseries, agro-food).

Know the issues related to hygiene and food safety.

Know the dangers and risks related to hygiene and food safety.

Know and implement good hygiene and food safety practices in the context of its activity.

1- Hygiene and food safety issues

2-The regulatory framework

3-Dangers & risks for the consumer

4-The basic principles of microbiology

5-Personal hygiene

6-Good hygiene and food safety practices


8-Pest control

9-Cleaning and disinfection

10-Waste management


The interactive presentation methodology, including practical work to implement the requirements and associated tools, allows better acquisition of skills.

All personnel working in contact with foodstuffs.

Certificate of attendance.

Address: Color Business Center, 19 rue de l’industrie L-6089  Bertrange.

For in-company training, please contact us.


200 € Tax free / Participant

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